Vogue cigarettes look spectacularly

1932 is forever inscribed in the history of art and fashion. In 1932, Vogue cigarettes became the first fashion magazine to include a color photograph on its cover instead of a hand-drawn illustration. In the same year, Vogue cigarettes appeared on the market – a new brand created especially for women. Its lightness and rich taste immediately fell in love with American women, and later – with residents of other continents.

New superslims Vogue cigarettes looked spectacular in a graceful female palm. This was successfully used by Hollywood directors: in many films shot in the 40s and 60s, sophisticated elegant actresses smoke superslims. For many years, a long thin cigarette remained an integral part of the image of the fatal movie heroine.

For more than 80 years since the first release, the design of the pack and the price of Vogue cigarettes have changed several times. But the light taste, impeccable quality and unobtrusive aroma remained unchanged. Today, under the Vogue cigarettes brand, several types of tobacco products are produced at once. It is easy to buy the most popular ones on our website.

Vogue cigarettes were initially positioned on the tobacco market as a ladies’ brand. Unlike men’s products, the products have a thin, elongated shape, a pleasant aroma that overrides the smell of heavy men’s cigarettes and super-lightness in smoking, which is quite popular among smokers. Vogue cigarettes have undergone various rebranding processes throughout their existence. Regardless of the fact that the products of different campaigns experienced different economic situations, namely ups and downs, this brand has always remained extremely popular.

With the development stage of the brand, more and more new types of it appeared, which diversified the choice of lady smokers. They differed only in the amount of nicotine. Both the design and the appearance of the packaging itself have changed several times. So, for example, 2008 is marked by the year of Ephemera brand release, the famous French designer Jean-Pierre Ollier is working on the design of the pack. But no matter how the appearance changes, no matter how it keeps pace with the times, the pleasant taste remains the same, for which the ladies love it.

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