Vogue cigarettes – design and taste meet the needs of the ladies

It is unlikely that in our time there will be a smoker who would not know anything about the brand of Vogue cigarettes. However, the younger generation of smokers just entering the smoking path, are always happy to purchase new cigarettes to enrich their knowledge of smoking. Remember yourself when you plunged into everything connected with cigarettes, looked closely at their length, the presence of strength and tobacco. What answered all your questions? That’s right, tasting new and new brands. Among them was the brand, which we will talk about today.

The Vogue brand is considered to be primordially feminine; therefore its design and taste meet the needs of the ladies, but without bypassing the male part of the population. Vogues are packaged in delicate, fragile packaging, and their taste is refined and airy. They could not but intrigue the beautiful half of humanity.

We highlight one of the famous versions of Vogue cigarettes – Vogue Blue. They are not similar to their brand counterparts; they are characterized by the classic taste of English tobacco. They are the strongest in the entire line. The natural consequence is that smokers have opted for Vogue Bleue. This version smokes quite evenly and for a long time. Nicotine: 0.7mg, Tar: 7mg. While smoking, a pleasant unobtrusive taste of tobacco appears in the mouth.

After undergoing rebranding, Vogue continues to be the most sought after brand of women’s cigarettes.

What are Vogue cigarettes?

Vogue cigarettes are the most legendary branded women’s cigarettes. And they spoiled smokers for the first time in 1932, immediately taking a worthy position in the field of smoking. Smokers never cease to admire the consistent quality. For smokers, they are a stylish attribute, thanks to which they remain magical and independent and attractive at any time of the day. It is always convenient to buy these cigarettes in the online store. It is online that you can very quickly choose for yourself exquisite versions of the brand, and without making any fantastic efforts. Consultants will take into account your requirements and you will soon be able to enjoy your purchase.

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