Salem Cigarettes Australia as a source of the American spirit

Salem Cigarettes Australia as a source of the American spirit

For the first time this product appeared already in the distant 1956, where it positioned itself as a cigarette for women. Then these cigarettes were packed in an interesting package for people, the color of the sea wave, inside which were cigarettes with menthol flavor, which gave the cigarette movement a truly new era of life. It was then that this cigarette brand became the most purchased in the US and the world, which allowed him to glorify the tobacco industry center Winston-Salem. Some people joke that this place has not been mentioned since then, as the center of cruelty, in which, at one time, they conducted a real witch hunt.

In less than a decade, Salem Cigarettes began to position themselves as a source of the American spirit, allowing them to feel themselves as a person in a large state, gradually loosening from conventions. Initially, the symbol of these cigarettes was an attractive girl, an aspen waist that attracted millions of smokers. Later, she was replaced by a very sexy girl, from whom freedom wafted, despite the fact that she was just a drawing. In those days, consumers were particularly attracted to her long hair and pants flared. In addition to it, the producers launched a successful advertisement, whose slogan was: “ Spring…. happens every Salem”. This slogan has remained unchanged to this day.

These cigarettes emit much less smoke than the others, as it is replaced by a pleasant menthol flavor. Speaking in general, evaluating the history of the creation and development of the brand, we can say that Salem is a true American classic, which has experienced many ups and downs in its history.

Even more new series of Salem cigarettes appeared in 2005. These were menthol-flavored series, as well as a light and very light version with lower nicotine content. 2006 also announced the appearance of a novelty, the name of which is Ice Blue.

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