Pall Malls as cheap cigarettes online

Smoking is so firmly established in the life that it has become a real cult. These addictions are common to most people aged 20 to 45. Although everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, in some circles it still remains proof of a person’s social status.
And from what brand of cigarettes a person smokes, you can understand a lot about the position in society and the modern trend to namely cheap cigarettes online that are protected by this brand. And in general, the choice of a particular brand will tell something about the smoker.
It is no secret that the tobacco business brings billions. The world produces a huge amount of the most diverse products. Nevertheless, there are brands of cigarettes that remain the most famous and most popular in different countries.

Pall Mall. The name of the brand appeared owing to the Pall Mall Mall, located in
London. In 1907, the brand was purchased by American Tobacco. It has been developed to a premium brand by changing the design and composition of tobacco. The popularity of Pall Mall reached its peak in 1960s, when the brand became the first in the United States. The company began to produce more and new, 10-centimeter cigarettes, thereby creating a new standard. A new idea was picked up by competitors, with the result that Pall Mall began to lose the market. The most famous brand slogans in the 40s-60s became “delivers the smoke further”, “outstanding” and “moderate”.

In 1994, the brand was sold to Brown @ Williamson Tobacco, and in 2004 the company merged with R.J.Reynolds Tobacco. The new company continued to produce a successful brand, both in America and abroad. The brand logo is a coat of arms with two lions, it is widely known among smokers who order cheap cigarettes online.

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