Our website to find iqos heets Australia wide

Our company has managed to become the best promoter of iqos heets Australia wide. You’ve probably heard of the iqos Company, but you may not know how a heated cigarette works and why it’s superior to traditional cigarettes. By the way, the first iqos was developed by Philip Morris International in the United States.

It is a heated e-cigarette system that differs from conventional smoking in that the tobacco is heated rather than burned.

The tobacco is heated rather than burned. The fact that cigarettes are not burned in the conventional way means that they are not harmful to the environment. Iqos is fueled by natural tobacco, not nicotine liquid like other e-cigarettes. Iqos is the best heat-not-burn system on the market that we promote by selling iqos heets Australia wide.

The vapor produced by the device is mild and easily takes on the flavor and aroma of the flavor capsules. The system has a long battery life and can be quickly charged with a USB Type-C cable.

The system is activated by pressing the “Fire” button. One stick lasts for approximately 14 puffs, after which it is disposed of. The convenience is that the stick retains its shape (does not burn or fall apart) after use, i.e. as it is inserted into the system, i.e. the same shape, and can be thrown into the regular trash garbage can after use Sold in packs of 20 sticks per pack.

The cigarette holder is a portable power bank that can fully charge the holder up to 20 times. To charge it, you just need to connect it to a computer or an outlet with a USB cable (2A). The time to fully charge depends on the model, but is approximately 75-120 minutes. The iqos manufacturer has also released a number of accessories that make the device even more stylish and convenient to use.

Another advantage of the iqos electronic cigarette is its small size. The kit can be carried in your purse or pants pocket and takes up less space than a pack of cigarettes.

Want to buy? Order iqos heets Australia wide on our website.

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