Marlboro cigarettes with the land concept

You can say it more or less boldly: smokers who have never heard of the Marlboro cigarettes; there is not any. After all, the brand, which was founded in 1902 by none other than Philip Morris, is so well known and successful that one can easily speak of an incomparable success story. The curious thing is that at first it didn’t look like it at all; because: even in the first few years after the foundation, things didn’t go particularly well for Marlboro cigarettes. The attempt to offer the product as a pure woman’s cigarette including a suitable slogan (“Mild As May”) did not help either – and shortly before the Second World War, the brand even disappeared from the market entirely.

The way was hard and rocky – but it was worth it. But then – and with the beginning of the 1950s – the brand’s success story slowly but surely began to pick up speed. Cigarettes with filters (which nobody really wanted to have before) were suddenly very popular – and with the striking packaging design in the colors red and white, which is still current today, the course was set for future successes. In the 1960s, those responsible succeeded in another, if not the decisive coup: with the introduction of the Marlboro Country concept, real milestones were set in terms of marketing and advertising. After all, the Marlboro cigarettes brand is still associated with an exciting adventure in the Wild West, despite the advertising ban that covers many areas.

How strong are Marlboro cigarettes? When it comes to the Marlboro brand, it is difficult to speak of a general strength, given the large number of variants that are now available. At least the two largest and most important variants should be known: the regular, strong variant in the classic red packaging (with values ​​of 0.9 mg nicotine and 10 mg tar and carbon monoxide each) and the slightly milder one in the golden packaging (0.5 mg nicotine, 6mg tar and 7mg carbon monoxide).

If one tries to relate the aroma and taste of cigarettes in any way to the concept of “classic”; you can hardly avoid dropping the name Marlboro. To put it more precisely, one could also say that Marlboro cigarettes come closer to the idea of ​​classic cigarette enjoyment than almost any other brand. A pure, relatively unaffected tobacco taste with a pleasant intensity and a slight sweetness dominates.

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